501.BB/4–949: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York,] April
9, 1949—6:11 p. m.
Delga 17. Main theme Soviet line so far advanced UNGA is that Anglo-American bloc and primarily US committed world domination by force. Bloc allegedly employing following means in pursuit this objective:
- 1.
- “Undermining” UN by repeated violations Charter and particularly by setting up illegal organs such as Interim Committee to circumvent SC and nullify unanimity principle. Malik1 on one occasion went further than usual references to undermining by asserting bloc seeks “liquidation” UN. Soviets are evidently building case to justify withdrawal from UN if and when they find this desirable. There is no indication such withdrawal is presently envisaged. Charges that we are seeking liquidation UN should be borne in mind, however, in connection with favorite Soviet tactic charging others with doing what they would do themselves.
- 2.
- Anglo-American bloc has reverted to aggressive policy “isolating” Soviet Union which preceded World War II. Although Atlantic Pact for tactical reasons has not yet been singled out for general attack, it has been cited in passing by Soviet delegates as most recent evidence this policy. Theme of “isolation” may be calculated replace that of “capitalist encirclement” which had such vogue in twenties and thirties, but which no longer aptly describes situation Soviet Union in light post war establishment surrounding bulwark peoples democracies.
Sent Department; repeated Moscow, London and Paris.
- Jacob A. Malik, Vice-chairman of the Soviet Delegation to the Second Part of the Third Session of the General Assembly; Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.↩