IV. Policy of the United States regarding the problem of voting procedures in the Security Council
[213] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations
York,] May 23, 1949.
IO Files: US/S/867
[214] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations
York,] June 1, 1949.
IO Files: US/S/870
[215] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations
York,] June 22, 1949.
IO Flies: US/S/883
[216] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations
York,] July 18, 1949.
IO Flies: US/A/1572, US/S/905
[217] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, July
21, 1949—5:51 p. m.
501.BC/7–2149: Telegram
[218] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, July
25, 1949—7 p. m.
501.BC/7–2149: Telegram
[219] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
Washington, August 6,
501.BB/8–649: Airgram
[220] Memorandum by Mr. Charles P. Noyes of the United States Mission at the United Nations
York,] September 9, 1949.
IO Files: US/S/925
[221] Memorandum of Conversation Between the Heads of the Delegations of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, United States Mission, New York, October 7, 1949
New York, October 7, 1949
IO Files: US/S/946
[222] Minutes of Informal Meeting of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council, United States Mission, New York, October 17, 1949
October 17, 1949
IO Files: US/S/954
[223] Minutes of Informal Meeting of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council, Lake Success, New York, October 18, 1949
New York, October 18, 1949
IO Files: US/S/956
[224] Minutes of Informal Meeting of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council, United States Mission, New York, October 28, 1949
New York, October 28, 1949
IO Files: US/S/964