501.BC/7–2149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


389. Dept agrees with your second suggestion (reurtel 849 July 21) that efforts be made prior to Five Power consultations to persuade the French to modify their position on certain items of GA recommendation concerning veto. French reservations in effect nullify entire second GA recommendation. In return for French acceptance of British position that Permanent Members waive veto on all Chapter 6 items except Article 37, US could take same position with understanding however that if waiver of veto on Article 37 raised in SC or GA, US wld state continued willingness to waive veto Article 37.

In event failure French to agree, it may be advisable to avoid detailed consideration of recommendation 2 in consultations and SC.

Dept wld prefer Five Power consultations before Sept since essential that consultations and SC meeting shld take place prior to convening of GA.
