810.00/8–1949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic
190. For your background info closed Inter-Amer Peace Comite meeting Aug 18 re Caribbean situation confined discussion treatment replies Govts to Comite Aug 4 request and presentation by Dom Del further data support its formal reply emphasizing Dom Govt view seriousness situation. Replies to be confidential for use Comite but will be sent if submitting Govt consents to other members OAS. Above sent other missions AmReps for info.1 Copy Dom reply being sent air pouch.2
Dom Amb3 yesterday presented to me July 22 note2 from his FonMin on Caribbean situation and requested US support consideration matter by COAS in order convoke consultative meeting FonMins under Rio treaty. Dept informed him we are considering matter but endeavored discourage idea FonMins meeting. (See Depcirtel Aug 5, 4 a. m.4) copy memo conversation follows.2