810.00/8–449: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics
Inter-Amer Peace Comite met Aug 3 at suggestion US Rep to consider gen situation involving polit tensions Caribbean area. Comite unanimously agreed consideration this subject desirable and ltr drafted1 requesting each Amer Govt for info or suggestions it considered pertinent.2
Comite fully realized it lacked power take any affirmative action to deal with situation other than suggestion of methods that might be employed. All members felt highly important obtain further info and views from govts before considering any further steps.
US Rep did not, as implied some press statements, suggest mtg FonMins or any other specific step beyond consideration gen problem by Comite itself.3
- Not printed.↩
- Replies were received from Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, the United States, and Venezuela.↩
- In a circular telegram to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics, August 5, not printed, the Department emphasized its lack of zeal for a meeting of Foreign Ministers at that time (810.00/8–549).↩