501.BC Indonesia/12–1448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia 1


650. Usgoc 238. Dept considers Hatta letter contained Gocus 4842 extremely important and warmly congratulates you on your pertinacity, skill and achievement in most difficult circumstances.

Dept believes letter offers adequate and practical grounds resumption negotiations within or without GOC. Text Hatta letter will be shown Brit Emb Wash today.

In view conclusion GOC report to SC to effect that negotiations broken off and virtually impossible of resumption, Dept suggests but leaves to your discretion desirability telegraphing SC supplementary report giving text or substance Hatta letter as soon as your undertakings [Page 559] preserving confidential character of letter can be properly disposed of, and GOC procedural requirements satisfied.

  1. Repeated in telegram 631, December 15, 7 p. m., to The Hague.
  2. Telegram 1090, December 13, p. 552.