501.BC Indonesia/12–448: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1

us urgent

1056. Gocus 469. Sassen came to my quarters 4:30 a. m. December 4 (Gocus 4682). He said he and two colleagues had all night session and were appealing my help on what they thought only way out.

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Sassen said his mission so bound by Hague instructions that they could not resume conversations without prior clarification and expansion some points in Hatta letter which I delivered Sassen evening December 3. I said letter impressed me as good and certainly all could be expected as result circuitous route followed in giving Hatta idea as to what was wanted.

Sassen said they had drafted various messages to Hague and kept an ace code clerk on job until 3 a. m. but finally telegraphed nothing. Said he and Stikker realized they would have trouble and delay if they posed questions to colleagues in their own absence from Cabinet. Still they could not act without clearing with Hague or clarification from Hatta.

They tried various drafts or [of] letter to send Hatta by Darmase-tiawan and gave up realizing difficulty making letter all inclusive and specific and possibility Hatta could not take time out from Cabinet to send back immediate reply. They considered sending three advisors to catechise Hatta but realized these could not judge adequacy replies without referring back to ministerial trio. Finally they realized they themselves could not visit Repub again without embarrassing Hatta.

To fatigued and befuddled trio break of dawn brought bright idea “let Cochran do it”. Specifically Sassen asked me proceed Jogja try bring Hatta back with me for clarification talk of two or three hours to determine whether resumption conversations feasible. I insisted if they had come to Indonesia to confer they should do just that and go ahead get Hatta and his whole group Batavia without preliminaries. I said common courtesy and hospitality required they extend invitation after their two stays Kaliurang. Sassen pled inability bring them here for resumption conversations under his binding instructions. Said either had to get Hatta down for preview or they go to Hague. Latter alternative would require more than week and throw out completely time schedule for agreement and setting up interim government. I reaffirmed desire help every reasonable way. Protested I would not be party to drawing Hatta into trap. Sassen insisted his intentions most honorable. I said I had reported my people lately signs possible police action against Repub. Said Senator Malone just arrived and heard he was interested in use ECA funds and source Netherlands mechanized equipment that would be used against Repub. Said I had not looked up Malone, preferring concentrate on liaison job with two parties. Still Netherlands should realize what terrific reaction they might get from our tax-paying but liberty-loving public if latter gained idea its contributions being spent on keeping down nationalism in Indonesia.

I said if Netherlands mission caused Hatta fall through pressure or completion interim government without Repub chaotic situation [Page 519] would surely follow in which Netherlands militarists would go on warpath. Said I willing take personal chance on their errand if he assured me invitation extended by all three ministers and if they promised offer put Hatta up at palace and treat him like a gentleman. Sassen assured everything. I immediately arranged GOC plane, got Darmasetiawan and Leimena and departed 7 a. m. for Jogja. Repub friends showed me morning Dutch language paper with important leak therein “concession” made by Hatta in letter to Sassen. I revealed them purpose my going Jogja only upon departure and had told no one in Batavia of my mission.

Upon arriving Jogja 9:15 we saw Hatta immediately. I explained situation and extended invitation. He accepted. He said he would get through Cabinet meetings by twelve and then have one meeting of political leaders. Said he would have to return Jogja early Sunday to keep appointment for important scheduled meeting with party leaders. I promised plane arrangements. I explained that if everything went well Netherlands would invite him bring complete delegation Monday for resumption conversations. With this information he could make limited approach to Cabinet in this morning’s meeting. Roem and Pringgo Digdo called on me and talked one hour. Roem highly insistent negotiations should be opened at once in GOC on basis USDel plan. I argued that much progress already made in direct talks; Netherlands would not now drop these talks and resort to GOC committee system with time so short; and by forcing into GOC now participation by Hatta, Sassen and Stikker would probably be eliminated. I assured him closest attention and interest of GOC and tried show him that just as good agreement could be negotiated this way as in GOC. I promised definitely that any agreement reached would be signed and formalized within GOC.

I lunched with Sukarno alone. I told him developments of recent days and particularly of today’s errand. He approved everything. He talked seriously to me of problem with political parties and Army. I said on important points of command of forces and authority of Crown in emergency I could not oppose Netherlands position since my own plan was in comparable sense. I agreed he should get any concessions possible but reasoned against risking breakdown of negotiations on these points when Renville Agreements specify sovereignty of Crown during interim period. I asked him also suppress Roem on procedural insistence, recalling procedure followed in arriving at Renville Agreements. He wrote Hatta note on this point.

Party consisting of Hatta and two aides, Roem, Natsir, Leimena, Darmasetiawan and I returned Batavia 5 p. m. Met by Koets and Schuurman who took RepDel in charge for immediate conversations palace. I told Hatta let me know if he got in trouble. He hopes see [Page 520] Federalists tonight. Plane arranged for his return Jogja Sunday morning. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegrams 608, December 6, 6 p. m., to The Hague, and 694, December 7, 5 p. m., to Paris (for Rusk and Bancroft).
  2. Telegram 1055, December 4, p. 514.