501.BC Indonesia/12–448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia

top secret
us urgent

614. Usgoc 216. Eyes only for Cochran. Between para numbered 9 and final unnumbered para Usgoc 212,1 insert as final para aide-mémoire para numbered 10 “That event US Govt would regard itself no longer bound by restrictions heretofore imposed by its membership on Committee and would consider itself free to take such measures as changed circumstances might require”.

You will have noted omission from aide-mémoire of any specific reference to ECA. Dept not only wishes to avoid any expression which might imply threat punitive ECA action by US against important member Western Union this critical phase European developments but also it particularly wishes to avoid even implied threat which it might in last analysis not find itself free to implement.

Since it is inevitable that Repub officials will as negotiations reach their climax look increasingly to you for guidance and support, Dept feels you should be aware of limitations which circumstances have placed upon it and therefore upon you so that Republicans will not be misled into taking unbending positions in expectation that threat of US action vis-à-vis Dutch will ultimately justify them.

Dept fully cognizant acute difficulties and strain your position and wishes commend you for your patience and skill in circumventing obstacles to resumption negotiations and in preserving, under formidable handicaps, situation in which negotiation of final peaceful settlement not precluded.

  1. Telegram 610, December 3, p. 512.