501.BC Indonesia/12–448: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1

us urgent

1055. Gocus 468. Aneta December 3 reported Batavia “it was officially announced that in accordance with decision of Dutch Government, Dutch Ministers Sassen and Stikker as well as Neher will return to Netherlands on Sunday next to report about their talks both in Batavia and Kaliurang.”

Darmasetiawan proceeded December 3 Jogja and returned 5:30 p. m. with letter. Accompanied by Supomo and Leimena he brought sealed letter to me for delivery Sassen. There follows hurried [Page 515] translation from Dutch text of copy of letter dated Jogja December 3 addressed Sassen signed Hatta:

“Allow me in correction our letter November 30 to explain to you following in order remove impression you have gained that I have; withdrawn from what I have given Mr. Stikker on his previous visit Kaliurang. During our talk of Tuesday evening at Kaliurang, at which we spoke frankly about our mutual problems, I said inter alia that as regards many points of aide-mémoire I have gone too far for many people especially the PNI, but that I still adhere to standpoint therein set forth. It is possible you have misunderstood my remarks explained in preceding sentence.

I take opportunity to invite your attention to following points:

Whereas I am of opinion like you that federal interim government should be established soon as possible, no time must be lost with sterile discussions. Therefore, I am prepared go Djakarta and accept, if Dutch Government also willing do so, to endeavor continue direct conversations on basis of aide-mémoire of November 10 and end them before December 15.
Republican Government is of opinion that after having informed GOC that conversations will continue in Djakarta these conversations will be held in same informal way as they have been held in Kaliurang, to be followed by formal consummation of agreement on basis of Cochran plan within GOC.
With reference to my draft joint communiqué regarding declaration to be signed by both parties about truce infringements, Republican Government is keen to know your opinion about said draft.”

Darmasetiawan told of visit with Hatta and Sukarno. Said Hatta has Cabinet meeting scheduled Saturday 10 a. m. and will therein seek support for position he contemplates taking in conversations at Batavia. He would meet with his political party leaders Sunday for similar discussion. He would come to Batavia with complete staff ministers, technical advisors and five leaders political parties.

I was received by Sassen, Stikker and Neher December 3, 7:15 p. m. I explained my role to Sassen as agreed with Stikker (Gocus 4662). Handed Sassen letter which he read aloud in Dutch to colleagues and translated to me. I gave them list of officials whom Hatta proposed bring with him. I explained that if Netherlands mission decides invite Hatta invitation should be telegraphed when circuit opens this morning. If contrary decision taken I should be told yet tonight in order send Darmasetiawan by GOC plane to Jogja Saturday in time see Hatta before Cabinet meets. (Jogja telegraphic communication too slow to ensure transmission of message before 10 a. m.) Sassen insisted I was hurrying him too much since letter would require study and possible reference Hague. I argued he was complaining of shortage [Page 516] time and had even wanted Republicans come on twenty-four hours notice. I said unfair to Hatta let him go ahead in Cabinet meeting with discussion plans for Batavia conversations and then not be invited. Said Hatta’s position could be strengthened by extending cordial invitation resume conversations Batavia after Netherlands mission has now talked twice Kaliurang.

Sassen asked if Republicans understood they would have to discuss infringements. I said they did and that proposed joint communiqué offered opportunity handle this subject. I urged giving Republicans their due opportunity come around conference table Batavia. I pictured strong points Hatta regime and threatened chaos if Hatta falls. I told Sassen he should grasp this last opportunity and not weaken Hatta further. I said my Republican friends here realize seriousness of situation and desire help with agreement but will not see Hatta humiliated endlessly and then ruined. Sassen insisted he intended no humiliation and would consider letter carefully. He contended, however, that he had not misunderstood Hatta on question of aide-mémoire. Whether or not misunderstanding I thought Sassen ought be sufficiently satisfied with Hatta’s reaffirmation of aide-mémoire undertaking at least to permit him resume conversations Batavia. I mentioned keen interest my government in seeing Indonesian question settled soonest and my own efforts help achieve peaceful and honorable entrance of Republic into interim government. Sassen pondered heavily and agreed call me later in evening after his group could study problem further.

At 11:45 p. m. Stikker’s secretary telephoned group meeting still in session. Considering sending advisors Schuurman, Dupont and Blom to Jogja. Promised let me know definitely in half hour so I could make final arrangements GOC plane.

At 1:30 a. m. this morning still no decision from Netherlands mission. Consequently filing this message to be followed by morning message giving decision.

I should explain that to protect Stikker I had to refrain from telling Sassen and Neher at our meeting how completely Hatta had in his letter covered specific desiderata given me in writing by Stikker Thursday night. When Sassen mentioned at evening session idea of sending some of his advisors to Jogja I reminded him question was simply one of invitation and that Hatta would be in Cabinet session from ten on. Consequently imperative have Netherlands decision known to Hatta before ten. What the three advisors might do in Jogja I am not sure but attitude of Sassen is certainly making settlement as difficult as possible. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegrams 608, December 6, 6 p. m., to The Hague, and 694, December 7, 5 p. m., to Paris (for Rusk and Bancroft).
  2. Telegram 1051, December 3, p. 511.