Truman Papers, President’s Secretary’s File: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to President Truman 1
Memorandum for the President.
White 97. A reliable newspaper correspondent has told us in confidence that the American Zionist Emergency Council (Dr. Silver’s organization) has endeavored to plant on [in?] his paper the story that Bernadotte’s Report relating to Palestine was written in the State Department, that it was taken to Bernadotte by a State Department official after coordination with the British, and that Bernadotte used it with a few minor changes.
There is no truth in this story. It is true that representatives of the Department had many opportunities to exchange views with Bernadotte, that we were aware of his thinking, and that he was aware of ours, as were the British and the Israelis.
We had no part in the preparation of Bernadotte’s Report. We had not seen the complete Report prior to its publication by the UN in Paris. We were, however, confidentially informed of the conclusions relating to the future of Palestine as contained in Part 1 of the Report shortly prior to the publication.
- Transmitted by the White House Signal Detachment to the President, who was aboard the Presidential train in California and Arizona.↩