Interest of the United States in the Arab–Israeli controversy over the future status of Palestine; the issue at the United Nations; creation of the state of Israel; entry of Arab forces into Palestine1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. v, pp. 9991328.

[841] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–2248: Airgram

[842] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Acting Secretary of State

867N.01/12–2248: Telegram

[843] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of Defense (Forrestal)

501.BB Palestine/12–2348

[844] The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–2348: Telegram

[846] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris

501.BB Palestine/12–2648: Telegram

[847] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. Robert M. McClintock

501.BB Palestine/12–2748

[849] The Chargé in Egypt (Patterson) to the Acting Secretary of State

867N.01/12–2848: Telegram

[850] Mr. Wells Stabler to the Acting Secretary of State

867N.01/12–2848: Telegram

[851] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–2848: Telegram

[852] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

501.BB Palestine/12–2948: Circular airgram

[853] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris

501.BB Palestine/12–2948: Telegram

[854] The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–2948: Telegram

[855] Resolution 66 (1948) Adopted by the Security Council on December 29, 1948

Reprinted from SC, 3rd yr., Resolutions, 1948, p. 30. The Council adopted the resolution by eight votes to none, with the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Ukraine abstaining. For the official record of the voting, see SC, 3rd yr., No. 137, pp. 23–26. The Egyptian Representative, in a letter of December 24 to the President of the Security Council, had claimed that Zionist forces had launched heavy, new attacks on Egyptian positions in the Negeb and had requested an urgent meeting of the Council to deal with the situation; for text, see SC, 3rd yr., Supplement for December 1948. The Council began its deliberations on the matter on December 28 and considered a British draft resolution; for text, see SC, 3rd yr., No. 136, pp. 13–14.

[856] Mr. Wells Stabler to the Acting Secretary of State

867N.01/12–2948: Telegram

[857] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–3048

[858] The Acting Secretary of State to the Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald)

501.BB Palestine/12–3048: Telegram

[860] The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB Palestine/12–3148: Telegram

[861] The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Wells Stabler, at Amman

867N.01/12–2848: Telegram