760D.6111/3–248: Telegram

The Minister in Finland (Warren) to the Secretary of State

top secret

77. Following receipt Deptel 39, March 1, I met Foreign Minister Enckell 10 a. m. today, previously arranged appointment. He said January ’45 Zhdanov saw President Mannerheim,1 asking Finns to mobilize [demobilize?] heavy coastal guns entrance Gulf Finland. Mannerheim said he not understand request as guns not only defense Finland but protect region against aggressor attempt march through Finland into Soviet Union. Also he told Zhdanov Finns had no desire be enemy Soviet, only wish maintain territorial integrity. Zhdanov replied Soviet desired defense pact Finland lines Soviet Czechoslovak pact ’43.2 Mannerheim said situations not identical hoped Zhdanov communicate news Moscow. Nothing further heard till Cabinet Delegation headed by Prime Minister and Foreign Minister went Moscow November ’47 revolution celebrations. Molotov3 then referred ’45 conversation and inquired if connection between it and February ’47 Paasikivi statement Finnish Soviet society magazine when Finnish President said “if someone future attempt attack Soviet Union through our territory we with Soviet Union fight aggressor as much as and long as can.”4 To Molotov suggestion defense pact Prime Minister and Foreign Minister replied Molotov they no instructions discuss. Enckell told me Stalin proposal for pact same Rumanian-Hungarian peacetime relationships pact differs Russo-Czechoslovak pact for common action time war. Enckell said when President presented Stalin’s proposal heads Diet party groups, he referred to four principles indicated his Finn Soviet society magazine article February ’47. Besides aggression statement they are: (1) friendship with Soviet Union; (2) preservation Finnish independence territorial integrity; (3) neutrality event great power struggle. When I told him we following [Page 769] situation closely and would welcome any clarification Finnish Government might give he said his government expects debate accord constitution and established parliamentary procedure.

Paasikivi estimates Communists will not attempt extra legal action although considering this element closely admitting government’s estimate may be inaccurate. Government dependence upon integrity majority Finnish workers farmers who completely loyal, intensely patriotic and upon civil police and army which also loyal, plus elements mobile and state police outside Helsinki. Government does not have accurate estimate Soviet forces Porkkala and Finnish Soviet border. Reports received government last few days disturbing but no confirmation. Enckell had copy UN Charter on desk giving me opportunity remark casually UN provided agency presenting problem where integrity small power subject outside threats and Security Council, under Article 35, could take cognizance such situation. When Enckell asked if Finland’s integrity independence threatened might she have access UN, I replied USA certainly would support within limits UN Charter case when country found itself faced outside menace. Enckell’s eyes filled tears when thanking me this reply. He further recalled Molotov during signing peace treaty Moscow ’40 said all desired of Finland was assurance military security for Leningrad, Murmansk and Murmansk railway and therefore territory adjustments. Enckell has no confidence Molotov now will remember his statement and promise that Soviet not move beyond adjusted boundaries.

Sent Department 77, repeated Paris as 3, London as 3.

  1. Marshal Carl Gustav Mannerheim, President of Finland, 1944–1946.
  2. For documentation relating to the treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, and postwar collaboration between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, signed at Moscow, December 12, 1943, see Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. iii, pp. 726 ff.
  3. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.
  4. The article appeared in the February 12, 1947, issue of SNS–Lehti. A translation of the article was transmitted to the Department in despatch 1099, February 17, 1948, not printed (860D.00/2–1747).