List of abbreviations and symbols
Editor’s Note.—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- A– (plus number), airgram
- A–A, Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour)
- AA, Air Attaché
- AA, anti-aircraft
- AAF, Army Air Forces (U.S.)
- AC, Allied Commission
- ACC, Allied Control Commission, or Council
- AC of S, Assistant Chief of Staff
- AFA, Allied Financial Agency
- Afem, series indicator for messages relating to the Foreign Aid Act of 1947 (Public Law 389)
- AFHQ, Allied Force Headquarters (Mediterranean Theater)
- AFL, American Federation of Labor
- AGWar, Adjutant General, War Department
- Alusna, U.S. Naval Attaché
- AMAG, American Mission for Aid to Greece
- Amag, series indicator for messages relating to the American Mission for Aid to Greece
- Amb, Ambassador
- AMC, Allied Military Command (of the Allied Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste)
- AmDel, American Delegation
- AmEmb, American Embassy
- AMG, Allied Military Government
- AMGVG, Allied Military Government, Venezia Giulia
- ANFD, Alianza National de Fuerzas Democraticas (Spanish political group)
- AOA, American Overseas Airlines
- AT, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- ATC, Air Transport Command
- AusDel, Austrian Delegation or Delegate at the Danube Conference in Belgrade
- BalCom, Unied National Special Committee on the Balkans
- Balgen, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Representative on the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans, at Geneva
- BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
- BC, Division of British Commonwealth Affairs, Department of State
- BEA, British European Airways
- Benelux, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- BETFor, British Element, Trieste Forces
- BMA, British Military Administration
- bn, battalion
- BOAC, British Overseas Airways Corporation
- BOT, Board of Trade (United Kingdom)
- BTA, British Troops, Austria
- CA, Conference Attaché
- CAA, Civil Aeronautics Administration
- CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board
- CC, Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- CCAC, Combined Civil Affairs Committee
- CCP, Chinese Communist Party
- CCS, Combined Chiefs of Staff
- CD, Christian Democrat
- CE, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State
- CEEC, Committee (Council, Conference) for European Economic Cooperation
- Cere, series indicator for messages relating to the CEEC
- CFM, Council of Foreign Ministers
- CGMTO, Commanding General, Mediterranean Theater of Operations
- ChNav-Grp, Chief, Naval Group
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- c.i.f., cost, insurance, and freight
- C-in-C, Commander in Chief
- CINCNELM, Commander in Chief, Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
- CIO, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- CIOS, Combined Intelligence Operations Section
- circair, circular airgram
- cirtel, circular telegram
- CMF, Central Mediterranean Force (British)
- CNO, Chief of Naval Operations
- Combal, series indicator for telegrams from the U.S. Representative on the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans
- ComGen, General Committee at the Belgrade conference on free navigation of the Danube River
- ComGenMed, Commanding General, Mediterranean
- Cominform, Communist Information Bureau
- Comm One, Committee One of the United Nations
- COMOS, Continental Motor Shipping Company, Vienna
- CP, Division of Commercial Policy, Department of State
- CP, Communist Party
- CPF (PCF), Communist Party of France
- CPI, Communist Party of Italy
- CPJ, Communist Party of Yugoslavia
- CPSU, Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- CRC, Central Rhine Commission, at Strasbourg, France
- CRO, Commonwealth Relations Office (United Kingdom)
- CSA, Czechoslovak State Airline
- CSGID, Ground Intelligence Division in the Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
- CSGPO, Plans and Operations Division, General Staff, Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
- DAG, Democratic Army of Greece (insurgent military force)
- DDSG, Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft, First Danube Steamship Company, Austrian shipping company, founded in 1829
- DefenseSec, Secretary of Defense
- Deldu, series indicator for messages from the U.S. Delegate to the Danube Conference in Belgrade
- Delga, series indicator for messages from the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
- Delsec, series indicator for messages to the Secretary of State while heading a U.S. Delegation away from Washington
- Depcircair, circular airgram from the Department of State
- Depcirinst, circular instruction from the Department of State
- Depintel, Depinfotel, information telegram from the Department of State
- Deptel, telegram from the Department of State
- desp, despatch
- Detert Company, founded in Hungary in 1936 for shipping via the Danube to the Black Sea and beyond
- DP, displaced person
- DRE, Division of Research for Europe, Department of State
- DS, Division of Protective Services, Department of State
- Dudel, series indicator for messages to the U.S. Delegate to the Danube Conference in Belgrade
- E, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- ECA, Economic Cooperation Act, or Administration
- Ecato, series indicator for messages from the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington to its missions abroad
- ECE, Economic Commission for Europe
- ECO, European Coal Organization
- Econ, series indicator for messages to the U.S. Delegation to the Economic Commission for Europe
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
- ED, Division of Investment and Economic Development, Department of State
- EE, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State
- EM, enlisted man, enlisted men
- Embdes, despatch from an American Embassy
- Embniact, night action (urgent) message from an American Embassy
- Embtel, telegram from an American Embassy
- EP, Division of Economic Property Policy, Department of State
- ERP, European Recovery Program
- Esso, Ekpaidevtiki Seira Stratevsimon Opliton (Enlisted Conscript Training Course)
- ETA, estimated time of arrival
- ETD, estimated time of departure
- EuCom, European Command, U.S. Army
- EUR, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- ExIm, or Ex-Im Bank, Export-Import Bank of Washington
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice
- FC, Division of Foreign Activity Correlation, Department of State
- FEC, Far Eastern Commission
- FLC, Foreign Liquidation Commismissioner, Department of State
- FN, Division of Financial Affairs, Department of State
- FonMin, Foreign Minister, Ministry
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FPRY, Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia
- FRB, Federal Reserve Bank
- FSO, Foreign Service Officer
- FTT, Free Territory of Trieste
- Fund, International Monetary Fund
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- G–1, –2, –3, –4, –5, sections of a military staff, in a division or larger unit
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- Gadel, series indicator for messages to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
- Gama, series indicator for messages relating to the American Mission for Aid to Greece
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- Genbal, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Representative on the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans, at Geneva
- GGS, Greek General Staff
- GHQ, General Headquarters
- GNA, Grand National Assembly (Bulgaria)
- GNA, Greek National Army
- GOC, Committee of Good Offices for the Netherlands East Indies of the United Nations Security Council
- GOC, General Officer Commanding
- GPU, Soviet secret police
- GSC, General Staff Corps
- GTI, Division of Greek, Turkish and Iranian Affairs, Department of State
- HMG, His (Her) Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom (or in The Netherlands, etc.)
- HRC, House of Representatives Committee
- IARA, Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
- IBD, Division of International Broadcasting, Department of State
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- IC, Interim Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations
- ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization
- IEFC, International Emergency Food Council
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- IMRO, Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
- infotel, information telegram
- INP, Division of International Press and Publications, Department of State
- INS, International News Service
- inst, instruction
- IR, International Resources Division, Department of State
- IRO, International Refugee Organization
- IS, Division of International Security Affairs, Office of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- ITO, International Trade Organization
- ITP, Office of International Trade Policy, Department of State
- IWG, International Working Group
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JIC, Joint Intelligence Committee, in the American Embassy in the Soviet Union
- JUSMAPG, Joint United States Military Advisory and Planning Group
- JUSPAD, Yugoslav-Soviet Joint Shipping Company
- KKE, Kommounistikon Komma Ellados (Communist Party of Greece)
- KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines
- L, Le, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- LA, Latin America
- Lasco, series indicator for messages from the Department of State to the U.S. Representative to the European Coal Organization
- Legtel, telegram from an American Legation
- LP, Division of Lend-Lease and Surplus War Property Affairs, Department of State
- MA, Military Attaché
- MAA, Miliary Air Attaché
- MAORT, Magyar Amerikai Olajipari Reszenytarsasag (Hungarian-American Oil Company)
- MAR, Military Attaché report
- Martel, series indicator for messages from Secretary of State Marshall
- ME, Middle East
- MEA, Mission for Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy, London
- Mefa, series indicator for messages relating to the Foreign Aid Act of 1947 (Public Law 389)
- MESZHART, Joint Soviet-Hungarian Navigation Company
- MFN, most favored nation
- MGB, Ministry of State Security in the Soviet Union, in control of the secret political police
- MID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union
- MILA, Military Liquidating Agency
- MinFonAff, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- MOFP, Ministry of Fuel and Power (United Kingdom)
- MRP, Mouvement Républicain Populaire (French political party)
- MTO, Mediterranean Theater of Operations
- MTOUSA, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, United States Army
- mydes, my dispatch
- mytel, my telegram
- NA, Naval Attaché
- NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
- NDC, National Defense Corps (Greek)
- NDE, National Defense Establishment
- NEA, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State
- NEI, Netherlands East Indies
- niact, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NKVD, Soviet secret police
- NME, National Military Establishment
- Noce, series indicator for messages from the U.S. Delegation to the Economic Commission for Europe
- NOE, Division of Northern European Affairs, Department of State
- NOF, Narodnoosloboditelniot front (Macedonian National Liberation Front)
- NSC, National Security Council
- NSRB, National Security Resources Board
- NV, note verbale
- OA, Division of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- OBP, Office of Budget and Planning, Department of State
- OEEC, Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- OFD, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Department of State
- OFLC, Office of Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Department of State
- OIE, Office of Information and Educational Exchange, Department of State
- OIR, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State
- OIT, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce
- OMGUS, Office of Military Government for Germany (United States)
- OSR, Office of the U.S. Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- OVIR, Bureau of Visas and Registration of Foreigners, in the Ministry for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union
- P, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
- PAA, Pan American Airways
- Par, series indicator for messages relating to the U.S. Foreign Relief Program
- Patsu, series indicator for telegrams to the American Mission for Aid to Turkey, at Ankara
- PED, Petroleum Division, Department of State
- PL, Public Law
- PM, Prime Minister
- POL, pertroleum, oil, and lubricants
- PolAd, Political Adviser
- POS, Public Affairs Overseas Program Staff, Department of State
- PPS, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- PriMin, Prime Minister
- R, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence
- R/SPS, Special Projects Staff of R
- Rap, series indicator for messages relating to the U.S. Foreign Relief Program
- Rece, series indicator for messages relating to the CEEC
- reEmb, regarding Embassy’s message
- refdes, despatch under reference
- reftel, telegram under reference
- remy, regarding my message
- reourtel, regarding our telegram
- Repto, series indicator for messages to the Economic Cooperation Administration headquarters in Washington from the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- reurtel, regarding your telegram
- RFC, Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- RHAF, Royal Hellenic Air Force
- RHN, Royal Hellenic Navy
- RJ, ratification by Yugoslavia of the treaty of Peace with Italy
- S, Secretary of State
- SAC, Supreme Allied Commander
- SACMED, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean
- SANACC, State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee
- SC, Security Council of the United Nations
- SCAP, Supreme, Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan
- SD, Shipping Division, Department of State
- SD, Social Democrats
- SDGP, Soviet Danube State Shipping Company
- SE, Division of Southern European Affairs, Department of State
- SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission
- SecDef, Secretary of Defense
- Secdel, series indicator for messages from the Secretary of State while heading a U.S. Delegation away from Washington
- SecGen, Secretary-General
- SecState, Secretary of State
- SFND, Société Française de Navigation Danubienne (French Danube Navigation Company)
- SHAEF, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
- SMA, SMAD, SMAG, Soviet Military Administration (Germany)
- Soceco, series indicator for telegrams to the U.S. Delegate to ECOSOC
- SONJ, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
- SovDel, Soviet Delegation
- SovRomtransport, Joint Soviet-Romanian Shipping Company
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- SPA, Office of Special Political Affairs, Department of State
- SWN, designation for a series of papers presented to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
- SWNCC, State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee; also a designation of a series of papers presented to that Committee
- SYG, Secretary-General
- T, Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation and Communications
- TA, trade agreement
- TAC, Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements
- TASS, Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union, official communications agency of the Soviet Union
- TC, Trusteeship Council of the United Nations
- telecon, telecommunication conversation or conference
- Telmar, series indicator for messages to Secretary of State Marshall
- TIAS, Treaties and Other International Acts Series, official publication by the Department of State
- Toeca, series indicator for messages to the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington from its missions abroad
- Torep, series indicator for messages to the U.S. Special Representative in Europe (Harriman, at Paris)
- TRC, Office of Transport and Communications, Department of State
- TUC, Trades Union Congress (British)
- Tusag, series indicator for telegrams from the U.S. Army Group in Turkey
- TWA, Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.
- U, Under Secretary of State
- U/GT, Coordinator for Aid to Greece and Turkey in the Office of the Under Secretary of State
- UDBA, Uprava drzavne bezbednosti (Yugoslav Administration of State Security)
- UKDel, United Kingdom Delegation
- UMT, Universal Military Training
- UNA, Office of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNRRA, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- UNSC, United Nations Security Council
- UNSCOB, United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans
- UNSYG, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- urdes, your dispatch
- urtel, your telegram
- USAF, U.S. Air Force
- USAFE, U.S. Air Forces in Europe
- USAGG, U.S. Army Group in Greece
- USDel, U.S. Delegation
- USFA, U.S. Forces in Austria
- USFAP, U.S. Foreign Aid Program
- USFET, U.S. Forces, European Theater
- USFRP, U.S. Foreign Relief Program
- USG, U. S. Government
- USGADel, U.S. Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- USIS, U.S. Information Service
- Ustap, series indicator for telegrams from the American Mission for Aid to Turkey, at Ankara
- USUN, U.S. Mission at the United Nations
- VOA, VOUSA, Voice of America
- WAR ( WARX, WAREX), series indicators for telegrams sent overseas by the Department of the Army or by Army Headquarters, Washington
- WD, War Department
- WE, Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- WFTU, World Federation of Trade Unions
- WHO, World Health Organization
- WPA, Works Progress Administration
- YCP, Yugoslav Communist Party
- YMS, motor mine sweeper
- yrdes, your dispatch
- yrtel, your telegram
- Zecho, Czechoslovakia