860D.00/3–148: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Finland
39. (Top secret for Minister only) Unless new developments should occur which make such action inadvisable, please approach FonMin at once along following lines:
You should state that U.S. Govt has followed with closest attention recent developments in Finnish-Soviet relations. While US Govt is not in a position to express any opinion on the proposed pact with the Soviet Union, it would be interested to have any info which Finnish Govt may wish to furnish it which would clarify present situation. Although the US is not a signatory to the treaty of peace with Finland the US Govt is nevertheless interested in maintenance of national integrity and independence of Finland. In this connection, you should make quite informal or seemingly casual inquiry whether the Finnish Govt has considered that despite the fact that Finland is not a member of the UN, should Finnish Govt feel Finland’s national independence and territorial integrity were under definite threat or menace of armed force as a result of decision taken by Finnish Govt in conformity with its concept of Finnish national interest, the way is open for Finland to bring its case before the UN Security Council under Art 35 of Charter. In course of such a conversation you could add that you are certain, should developments take that course US Govt would support in the UN the case of any country which found itself faced with menace of armed force.
You should make clear that in giving this assurance of support in the UN we mean by support only action within the limits of the Charter of the UN.
[Page 768]Above is being sent to Caffery [as 637] and Douglas [as 705] for communication on top secret basis to French and British Governments for their information.