501.BB Balkan/10–2948: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 537. Following is text Soviet Draft Resolution on Greece introduced Committee One, October 29:
“Having considered the report of the Special Committee established by the GA Resolution of 21 October 1947, the GA considers the following facts to have been established:
“The internal situation of Greece during the past year has been characterized by a further aggravation of the struggle between the Greek people and the anti-Democratic forces supported by the present Greek Government. This has led to a tense situation in Greece. Moreover, the Greek militarists not infrequently utilize the existing situation in order to carry out provocative operations in several frontier districts;
“The situation which has arisen in Greece, including a number of her frontier districts, is the result of increased foreign interference in the domestic affairs of Greece entailing serious consequences for the Greek people;
“The activities of the Special Committee have led to a further aggravation of the situation on the northern frontiers of Greece and to the complication of her relations with neighboring countries;
“The GA recommends that Greece, on the one hand, and Bulgaria and Albania on the other, establish diplomatic relations with each other, the absence of which is harmful to the relations between these countries;
“Recommends the Governments of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania to renew the previously operative conventions for the settlement of frontier questions or to conclude new ones, and also to settle the question of refugees in the spirit of mutual understanding and the establishment of good neighbor relations;
“Recommends the Government of Greece to take the necessary measures to ensure the removal of any discrimination in regard to citizens’ of Macedonian or Albanian nationality living in the territory of Greece, in order to give them the opportunity of using their native language and developing their national culture;
“Furthermore, recommends, the Governments of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to inform the SyG of the UN at the end of six months, for communication to member states of the UN, of the fulfillment of the above-mentioned recommendations;
“Recommends that all foreign countries and foreign military personnel be withdrawn from Greece;
[Page 276]“Decides to terminate the activities of the Special Committee established by the GA Resolution of 21 October 1947”.
Sent Department; repeated Athens 141.