501.BB Balkan/10–2648: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 486. Following resolution introduced Committee One October 26 by China, France, UK, US:
“The GA,
- 1.
- Having considered the reports by the special committee established by resolution 109 (II):
- 2.
- Having noted the conclusions of the special committee
and in particular its unanimous conclusion that, despite
the aforesaid resolution of the GA, ‘the Greek guerrillas have continued to
receive aid and assistance on a large scale from
Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, with the knowledge of
the governments of those countries’ and that the Greek
guerrillas in the frontier zones have, as found by the
special committee:
‘Been largely dependent on external supply. Great quantities of arms, ammunition and other military stores have come across the border, notably during times of heavy fighting. Strongly held positions of the guerrillas have protected their vital supply lines from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and in particular, from Albania. In [Page 274] recent months, there has been less evidence of receipt of supplies from Yugoslavia by the guerrillas.
Frequently moved at will in territory across the frontier for tactical reasons and have thus been able to concentrate their forces without interference by the Greek Army, and to return to Greece when they wished.
Frequently retired safely into the territory of Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia when the Greek Army exerted great pressure.’
- 3.
- Having noted further the conclusions of the special committee that a continuation of this situation ‘constitutes a threat to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece and to peace in the Balkans’ and ‘that the conduct of Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia has been inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN’;
- 4.
- Having noted the recommendations submitted by the special committee;
- 5.
- Considers that the continued aid given by Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to the Greek guerrillas endangers peace in the Balkans, and is inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN.
- 6.
- Calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to cease forthwith rendering any assistance or support in any form to the guerrillas fighting against the Greek Government; including the use of their territories as a base for the preparation to launching of armed action;
- 7.
- Again calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to cooperate with Greece in the settlement of their disputes by peaceful means in accordance with recommendations contained in resolution 109 (II);
- 8.
- Calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to cooperate with the special committee in enabling it to carry out its functions and upon Greece to continue to cooperate toward the same end;
- 9.
- Recommends to all members of the UN and to all other states that their governments refrain from any action designed to assist directly or through any other government any armed group fighting against the Greek Government;
- 10.
- Approves the activities of the special committee to
date, continues it in being with the functions conferred
upon it by resolution 109 (II) and instructs it:
- (a)
- To continue to observe and report on the response of Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia to the GA injunction not to furnish aid to the Greek guerrillas in accordance with GA resolution 109 (II) and the present resolution;
- (b)
- To continue to utilize observation groups with personnel and equipment adequate for the fulfillment of its task;
- (c)
- To continue to be available to assist the Governments of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia in the implementation of resolution 109 (II) and of the present resolution;
- 11.
- Authorizes the special committee to consult, in its discretion, with the IC (if it is continued) with respect to the performance of its functions in the light of developments;
- 12.
- Request the SyG to provide the special committee with adequate staff and facilities to enable it to perform its functions.