868.20/12–648: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
top secret
Washington, December
6, 1948—7 p. m.
Gama 1341. Following statement basis US military aid to Greece developed for use in evaluating budget requirements FY 50. Statement roughly parallels Army statement set out War 80149, Nov 24th:
- a.
- That US military aid be made available to Greece only extent required eliminate large-scale guerrilla activity and thereafter maintain reasonable state internal security, and that no attempt be made provide US support for establishment Greek army large enough to “seal” militarily northern borders of Greece or defend Greece against full-scale invasion.
- b.
- That military aid furnished Greece be evaluated in relation requirements other countries united with US in resisting communist expansion and to advantages expected accrue to US in accomplishing basic US objectives. Assistance should not be reduced below that required prevent domination Greece by communist elements without careful consideration impact such decision overall US objectives.
- c.
- That military supplies and equipment be furnished Greece on austerity basis, related closely as possible to standards traditional to Greek army and similar armies fighting under like circumstances and with careful consideration of ability Greek forces effectively to utilize supplies and equipment furnished.
- d.
- That every effort be made, so far as feasible from economic standpoint, to place on Greek government responsibility for procurement Of all supplies for their armed forces available from Greek economy and resources, including supplies not now available but which with reasonable US economic assistance could be produced in Greece. Other military supplies and equipment should continue be obtained through US military procurement channels or, where necessary, from other sources subject US supervision.