740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–348: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
us urgent
4528. ToRuhr 17. Fr. Emb has communicated to Dept for its info Fr proposals re Ruhr control presented at London.1 Accompanying memo states in substance as follows:
Fr Govt insists this proposal constitutes a minimum and that if agreement cannot be reached on corresponding terms, a fundamental [Page 544] divergence will result bet policy of Allies re Germany which will en-danger the constructive cooperation in this field which Fr Govt desires to see developed.
Impression has been obtained from Dec 1 discussions in London that Brit, Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg Dels were disposed to recognize essential points Fr position. Fr Govt considers it highly important that favorable instructions this matter be sent USDel London. It stresses following considerations:
- 1.
- A general supervision of management by IAR appears indispensable in order that this authority can fulfill function confided to it in allocation coal, coke and steel, as well as re security.
- 2.
- Powers for this authority insisted upon by Fr Govt have aim of developing both as re quantity and character production coal and coke necessary to contribute effectively to rapid Eur construction and to guarantee that steel production does not exceed agreed limits.
- 3.
- Fr proposal neither hinders nor retards in any way realization of Allied agreed objectives concerning German recovery.
- 4.
- Fr attitude on Germany is in no way negative. Only economic restrictions France wishes to see imposed on Germany are limitations and prohibitions on war industries and an effective control of Ruhr enterprises. Fr Govt wishes German settlement to result in democratic and decentralized Germany which can be integrated Eur economy. It is convinced that its proposal presented at London is an indispensable condition for success Eur collaboration and unification to which it will devote all its efforts. End Summary.
Informing Fr Emb we are transmitting summary you with appropriate instructions (to follow) and no other reply will be made here.
- The original French-language aide-mémoire from the French Embassy, dated December 2, and the accompanying “Text of the proposal presented at London by the French Delegation”, are filed separately under 740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–248. The French proposal, circulated to the London Conference on the Ruhr as document RC/8, not printed, was discussed by the Conference at its 13th Meeting; see telegram 5081, Ruhrto 22, December 2, from London, p. 538.↩