Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, Germany and Austria, Volume II

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, Germany and Austria, Volume II
- William Slany
- Charles S. Sampson
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introduction
- List of Abbreviations and Symbols
- List of Persons
- I. The London Conference on Germany (Documents 1–251)
- A. Arrangements for the Conference; the revision of bizonal (U.S.–U.K.)
economic organizations
(Documents 1–46)
- B. The London Conference on Germany, First Part, February 23–March 6,
1948 (Documents 47–95)
- C. The Military Governors’ Conference at Berlin, March 20–April 12, 1948;
arrangements for the resumption of the London Conference (Documents 96–124)
- D. The London Conference on Germany (resumed), April 20–June 1,
1948 (Documents 125–210)
- E. Approval by the governments of the recommendations of the London
Conference (Documents 211–228)
- F. Exchanges with the governments of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
regarding Germany (Documents 229–251)
- A. Arrangements for the Conference; the revision of bizonal (U.S.–U.K.)
economic organizations
(Documents 1–46)
- II. Implementation of the recommendations of the London Conference on
Germany (Documents 252–416)
- A. Preparation of a constitution for West Germany; the Bonn Parliamentary
Council (Documents 252–298)
- B. The London Conference on the Ruhr, November 11–December 24, 1948 (Documents 299–372)
- 1. Preparations for the Conference (Documents 299–310)
- 2. Proceedings of the Conference; Conference documents and
supplementary papers (Documents 311–372)
- 1. Preparations for the Conference (Documents 299–310)
- C. Preparation of a draft occupation statute; the work of the Tripartite
Committee on the Occupation Statute; the activities of the Committee on
Allied Controls (Documents 373–397)
- D. Establishment of the Military Security Board (Documents 398–402)
- E. Consideration of the question of prohibited and restricted
industries (Document 403)
- F. Problems of trizonal fusion (Documents 404–411)
- G. Rectification of the western frontier of Germany (Documents 412–415)
- H. Protection of foreign investments in Germany (Document 416)
- A. Preparation of a constitution for West Germany; the Bonn Parliamentary
Council (Documents 252–298)
- III. Other efforts to achieve economic rehabilitation and control in the
western zones of occupation of Germany (Documents 417–515)
- A. Reparations and restitution policy; the problem
of prohibitions and limitations on German industrial production (Documents 417–510)
- B. The disposition of German external assets (Documents 511–513)
- C. Western Germany and the European recovery program (Document 514)
- D. Extension of the U.S.–U.K. bizonal fusion agreement (Document 515)
- A. Reparations and restitution policy; the problem
of prohibitions and limitations on German industrial production (Documents 417–510)
- IV. The Berlin Crisis (Documents 516–716)
- A. The breakdown of quadripartite control in Germany (Documents 517–547)
- B. The establishment of the Berlin blockade (Documents 548–591)
- C. The meetings of the representatives of the United States, the United
Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union in Moscow (Documents 592–633)
- D. The negotiations of the Military Governors in Berlin (Documents 634–669)
- E. The Berlin question at the United Nations (Documents 670–716)
- A. The breakdown of quadripartite control in Germany (Documents 517–547)
- V. Policies and problems in the United States zone of occupation of
Germany (Document 717)
- VI. Basic statements of policy regarding Germany (Documents 718–722)
- VII. Department of State policy statement on Austria (Document 723)
- VIII. The efforts of the United States to assure the maintenance of the
independence and integrity of Austria
(Documents 724–799)
- A. The interest of the United States in the question of the South
Tyrol (Documents 724–728)
- B. The interest of the United States in the formation of a future Austrian
army and the arming of the Austrian police and gendarmerie (Documents 729–747)
- C. The interest of the United States in the economic and political
stability of Austria (Documents 748–769)
- D. The problems of quadripartite control of occupied Austria (Documents 770–799)
- A. The interest of the United States in the question of the South
Tyrol (Documents 724–728)
- IX. United States participation in the negotiations for an Austrian
(Documents 800–857)
- A. The preparations for the resumption of meetings of the Deputies for
Austria of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Documents 800–814)
- The meetings of the Deputies for Austria, February–May 1948 (Documents 815–848)
- C. The continued interest of the United States in an Austrian treaty;
attempts to resume meetings of the Deputies for Austria (Documents 849–856)
- D. The unagreed articles of the draft Austrian treaty (Document 857)
- A. The preparations for the resumption of meetings of the Deputies for
Austria of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Documents 800–814)
- Index