740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–348: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

6145. Assembly last night passed 377 against 181 (Communists) following govt resolution on Ruhr:

“National Assembly approves govt’s action in making immediate protest against actions envisaged by Law No. 75 of Commanders-in-Chief Anglo-American bizone. Takes note of fact govt has obtained immediate participation France in organization for temporary control Ruhr but, noting preamble of two Commanders-in-Chief neither withdrawn nor rectified, and convinced proposals envisaged this preamble contrary to placing coal and steel of Ruhr at disposal of Europe, only [Page 543] means of reconciling demands European security with necessity permitting German economy gradually recover its equilibrium, National Assembly invites govt inform British and American govts French people unanimously reject policy of which preamble ordinance 75 is expression.”1

Communist resolution called for appointment parliamentary committee investigate immediately situation German especially Ruhr, defeated 411 to 181. This resolution had voting priority since called for investigation committee.

Gaullists introduced resolution expressing regret govt allowed Allies on advice simple experts and by decision simple subordinates, embark on course so dangerous for future of world, without bringing attention these govts with necessary energy and clarity warning and protest of French people. This resolution not voted on as such but request for priority over govt resolution rejected 314 to 62 (Communists abstaining).

Before final adoption govt resolution, first two paragraphs approved by show of hands, Gaullists abstaining and Communists voting against. This procedure requested by Gaullists since these paragraphs “approved” govt action in regard Law 75.

Second part of resolution inviting govt inform British and American govts French people unanimously reject preamble Law 75, passed by 413 (including Gaullists) against 181.

Sent Department 6145, repeated London 1410 Berlin 772.

  1. The original French text of the resolution quoted here in informal translation was transmitted to the Department of State under cover of a brief note of the French Embassy in Washington dated December 4, not printed (740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–448).