501.BB Interim/5–2848: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, May 28,
338. President today appointed Joseph E. Johnson as an additional Deputy US Rep in GA Interim Committee.1 Credentials follow.
- In a memorandum to President Truman dated May 27, the
Acting Secretary of State had recommended “that an additional Deputy
Representative be appointed to assist Messrs. Austin and Jessup,
Representative and Deputy Representative [on the Interim Committee]
respectively” “in view of the heavy schedule contemplated during the
summer months and in order that the United States may adequately carry
out its responsibilities as a Member of the Interim Committee of the
General Assembly of the United Nations.” (501.BB/5–2748) Dr. Johnson was
at this time professor of history at Williams College but had been
associated with the Department of State from 1942 to 1947, participating
in work related to the establishment arid launching of the United
For documentation relating to the work of the Interim Committee at this time, with particular reference to the questions of the voting procedures of the Security Council, see pp. 205 ff.