Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President
The Third Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations is scheduled to be held in Paris, France, beginning September 21, 1948.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 2(c) of Public Law 264, 79th Congress, and Articles 9 and 20 of the United Nations Charter, I recommend, for your approval, that the following-named persons be appointed to represent the United States at the forthcoming session:
- George C. Marshall
- Warren R. Austin
- John Foster Dulles
- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
- Philip C. Jessup
Alternate Representatives:
- Benjamin V. Cohen
- Willard L. Thorp
- Ernest A. Gross
- Francis B. Sayre
- Ray Atherton
Compensation at the rate of $12,000 per annum will be paid to those persons who are not at this time employed by the United States Government.
If these designations meet with your approval, nominations will be prepared and transmitted to you for your signature.