501.BC/5–1848: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
313. Eyes alone for Ambassador Austin from Rusk. Dept. is very much concerned about possibilities of further delay in Participation Act amendment because of House Foreign Affairs Committee desire to lump together several bills in omnibus legislation.1 In an effort to find you immediate assistance in SC, we suggest that Philip Jessup be named as Herschel Johnson’s successor.2 Jessup would not be available beyond Feb. of next year. Hence this appointment could only be temporary. Appointment would also be without prejudice to permanent appointments to be made under amended Participation Act. Dept. continues to approve your suggestion of Ross as the “additional deputy” provided in that Act. I believe you will agree that Jessup has done a first class job in the IC and in the Special Session, sometimes under most difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, Dept. does not wish to send his name forward without your consideration and any [Page 9] comments which you might wish to make on the suggestion. If you agree, Jessup’s name can go forward within the next few hours.3 [Rusk.]
- The Senate had passed a bill amending the United Nations Participation Act on April 26 (S. 2518). For additional information relevant to the legislative history of the Participation Act as part of the “omnibus legislation” referred to herein, see footnotes 2, 3, and 4, pp. 21–22, and editorial note, p. 28. The Department’s proposal for changes in the United States representation at the United Nations had not been acted upon by the House of Representatives when the 80th Congress adjourned in August.↩
- Ambassador Johnson had been nominated by the President to be United States Ambassador to Brazil and his nomination had been confirmed by the Senate on April 14.↩
- With Ambassador Austin’s approval of the naming of Philip C. Jessup, the latter’s nomination was sent to the Senate by the President on May 27 and on June 1 the Senate confirmed his nomination as Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council of the United Nations.↩