893.00/8–346: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 5—1:20 a.m.]
1257. Growing animosity toward America increasingly apparent in Yenan broadcasts for week ending August 3. Criticism of American policy re war criminals, and America’s confirmation of “Kuomintang” mentioned in every newscast. In nearly all reports of fighting “Kmt troops” referred to as “American trained and equipped”. Anping incident of July 29 between US Marines and 8th Route Army in which four Marines were killed and several wounded reported in broadcast as Communist defensive action against US Marines and Kmt troops, and was referred to as “hostile act against Chinese people”. Emancipation Daily editorial stated: “From standpoint of Chinese people, we should demand apology from United States Marines in Tientsin and punishment of officers directly responsible for incident.” Item on July 31 charged Marines in Tsingtao are constructing gun emplacements and part of 15 US Naval vessels turned over to Central Government have been used against 8th Route Army off Chefoo and Weihaiwei. Broadcast of July 31 reported two divisions of Central Government’s 53rd Army and part of 54th transported by American vessel to Tsingtao and charged that prior to this [Page 1449] General Marshall had promised US vessels would carry these armies only as far north as Shanghai. Long press telegram of [to?] New York by Yenan reporter on civil war situation, quoted in full, ended “…36 it is generally believed that US aid will play decisive role in prolonging or calling halt to Chiang Kai-shek’s game of stalling peace and democratization of Kmt Government in China.”
Reports of fighting in Shantung, Kiangsu–Anhwei border region and Hupeh–Honan pocket continued. Chiang Kai-shek charged with unscrupulous use of undisarmed Japanese and puppet troops and Korean nationals in fighting 8th Route and new 4th Armies.
“Helplessness and timorousness” of Vice Minister National Defense Ministry at war crimes trials described in bitter Emancipation Daily editorial as national disgrace seldom seen in history. Editorial charged that “American authorities today are not adopting stern attitude towards Fascist criminals but attitude of appeasement in Japan”.
Other items reported virtual demise of industry in Szechuan province due to lack of aid from Kmt Government, negotiations on Yellow River question, new business enterprises in Kalgan and Communist land policy in Chahar.
Sent Department as 1257. Department please repeat Moscow.
- Omission indicated in the original.↩