Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
General Marshall to Colonel Marshall S. Carter37
1258. Doctor Stuart and I agree that Presidential statement at this moment undesirable from local China point of view because in effect it would strengthen the Generalissimo’s resistance to our demands for his agreement to cessation of hostilities and simultaneous discussions for immediate creation of State Council. A week or 10 days later such a statement might prove, in our opinion, advisable. Draft could be processed now. But, meanwhile we are considering draft of a suggested confidential message from President to Gimo reflecting seriously on evident suppression of expression of liberal views of most highly educated group in China and public spirited citizens generally, while narrowminded and bigoted militarists and a small nucleus of political irreconcilables pursue open civil war.
- Forwarded to Colonel Carter in Washington by Colonel Caughey as received from General Marshall at Kuling.↩