
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Southern European Affairs (Barbour)

Lt. General Vladimir Stoichev, Bulgarian Political Representative here, called at his request to pay his respects upon his return from three months’ vacation in Bulgaria.

After the usual amenities, General Stoichev inquired concerning United States reaction toward elections in Bulgaria which he said took place after his departure. He particularly asked what effect the elections would have upon US recognition of his country and the signature of a peace treaty with Bulgaria. In reply, I informed him that this Government was watching developments in Bulgaria with interest but that I had no indication to give him at this time concerning our future course in regard to that country. I added, however, that it was at least encouraging that the Opposition parties would have some representation in the Grand National Assembly.

I then asked the General what his impressions were on the situation in Bulgaria as a result of his visit to that country. In an obvious effort to put forward the Government’s best foot but also, I thought, with some degree of personal conviction, he replied that he found a larger measure of freedom of political expression in Bulgaria than he had anticipated when he left the United States three months ago. However, he ignored the acts of terrorism which have been so widely reported. As regards the elections, he admitted that the Fatherland Front majority included probably 30% windfall which always accrues to Government candidates in Bulgaria but he maintained that even without that 30% the FF still had a majority of genuine support. As to freedom in the elections, he stated that an indication of such freedom was the failure of the FF parties other than the Communists to obtain any substantial backing. In his opinion, the Communists would have seen to it in fraudulent elections that their friends in the FF obtained more mandates.

The General informed me that he is disturbed by developments in the Army in Bulgaria and since he feels that it is his duty to do so he has asked for reinstatement in the Army and believes that he will be leaving the United States to take up an Army position within the next two months.