874.00/11–546: Telegram
The Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State
most immediate
[Received 10 p.m.]
888. Bulgarian elections have produced new set political facts. I believe our attitude on Bulgarian question should be reexamined in light these new facts and that this should be done before these facts distorted thru formation new Govt within next few days. In fact I believe new friendly discussions with Molotov and Vishinsky are indicated. Certainly if such talks could influence formation Govt in manner to preserve what good has come out of elections real step forward should be taken.
In my telegram 859 October 2598 I expressed opinion that if elections were to give opposition sufficiently strong representation in GNA to preclude measures that might silence this representation, recognition of Bulgarian Govt by US would be made easier and adoption by US of positive policy based on real and live factors in internal political life of country would be facilitated. Elections have given opposition sizeable representation in GNA. They have revealed there are only two strong currents political opinion in country—Communist opinion and Agrarian opinion.
These are fundamental factors new situation. Third important and this time distressing factor is that since elections Communists continue with slogan “to pillory with Opposition, who are traitors”. Georgi Dimitrov has said we shall have “no truck” with Opposition. He seems determined distort facts established by elections by continuing pretense of FF.
In my opinion it is unrealistic both for US and opposition representatives go on stressing election irregularities. Far better would be make most of fact that of 465 members of forthcoming GNA 101 will be Opposition deputies. If their influence can be brought bear effectively in important issues to be decided during the one year for which GNA has been elected, great deal more will be accomplished along lines we hope for, as does Opposition as well, than by continued emphasis on what was wrong with elections.
As I see matters situation now requires every effort possible bring Communists if at all possible to acceptance existence Opposition and [Page 167] perhaps even acceptance and offer by Opposition to collaborate in Govt. I believe such offer could be obtained.
It is my recollection that in Moscow Secretary once made headway on Bulgarian question by appealing to Stalin on grounds it was more important gain friendship whole Bulgarian people than merely assure Communist Party be in power. Bulgarian opposition to establishment of purely Communist regime was so strongly expressed at elections as result in officially recorded Opposition, vote million and quarter Bulgarians. Surely all of these and many more whose votes probably counted in Govt party columns cannot be traitors, Fascists and reactionaries “who should be led to pillory”. Only 158,000 votes of total four and quarter million cast were for non-Communists, non-Agragian Parties of FF. In my opinion it would be deplorable if this scanty voice were allowed in formation new Govt to offset million and quarter voice registered for opposition. Perhaps these simple facts could be used in friendly talk with Molotov and Vishinsky as to cause Moscow tell Georgi Dimitrov to “get along” with Opposition and perhaps even accept its collaboration for betterment of country. At any rate I submit that new set facts brought about by elections suggest further and immediate talks with Molotov and Vishinsky on Bulgarian problem.
It may well be argued that any assurances given by Communists to “get on” with Opposition would cease to have meaning for Dimitrov once Govt were recognized by US and UK. In this connection suggest that guarantee of some real meaning would be revision of law for defense of people’s authority and press law by mutual compromise between Communists and Opposition. With moderation these laws to benefit of Opposition road to recognition should be somewhat cleared.
From foregoing Dept will perceive that I do not hold with views expressed by Obbov, and reported mytel 885 November 1. On other hand should Bulgarian Communists be told from Moscow to accept existence of Opposition and perhaps even agree to its collaboration in Govt I am sure no difficulties would be made by Obbov to formation of Communist-Agrarian coalition Govt. Foregoing of course presupposes satisfactory solution of all Bulgarian treaty issues by CFM.
Sent Dept, repeated London 207, Moscow 364.
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