711.93114A/8–845: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 10—7:30 p.m.]
3832. American Interests—Far East. [Legation’s] 3647 July 21. Letter August 7 Intercross repeats information contained Legation’s 3647 and adds Intercross has established office Peking to assist POWs passing through Fengtai and funds made available effect relief purchases for POWs.
Letter underlines importance insuring utmost safeguard POWs and CIs during journey or stay transit camps. Intercross suggests measures be taken provide adequate visible markings railway trucks [equipment?] transporting POWs. Similar steps regard vessels.
If American authorities declare prepared respect trains, ships transporting POWs, CIs bearing necessary markings to be agreed upon, Intercross prepared negotiate with Japanese this end. Desires receive suggestions and possible conditions. Intercross prepared take all possible steps insure fulfillment conditions by obtaining permission Intercross delegates accompany trains or ships.
Intercross has addressed similar letter British authorities and requests coordinated and early reply.21
Despatch follows airmail.22