711.94114A/8–645: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)
2469. Am[erican] Int[erests]—Japan. Express to Swiss Gov this Gov’s appreciation of Swiss representations leading to Jap agreement in principle to permit visits to all prisoner of war camps in [Page 361] Jap and Jap occupied territory. US Gov welcomes Swiss representation Jap ints in US except Hawaii93 and hopes fact that Switzerland is representing both Jap and Am interests will assure fair and humane treatment for nationals under Swiss protection.
Am authorities have enjoyed relationship in Washington with members of Swiss Leg concerned with representation of German interests and look forward to renewing relationships with [these] Swiss Leg representatives who will act on behalf of Jap int.
US Gov hopes that assumption by Swiss of protection of Jap int in US will enable Swiss Minister Tokyo obtain from Jap Gov not only greater facilities visit camps but increased recognition by Jap Gov of its international obligations to accord fair and humane treatment to enemy nationals in its control.
In order enable Gorgé in light of Swiss assumption of protection of Japanese interests to review with Jap Gov treatment of Americans, US Gov would appreciate it if Swiss would inform Gorgé that Am authorities consider following matters of utmost importance.
- 1)
- According information received through Intercross in reporting names of Am POWs held in Jap more than 14,000 Am POWs are still in Jap hands. Less than 5,000 Am POW have been in camps which representatives of Swiss and Intercross have been permitted to visit. US Gov considers it extremely important that representatives of protecting Power visit the camps which have not thus far been visited and where approximately 9,000 Am are held.
- 2)
- Am authorities estimate that since Jan 1943 more than 2,500 Am airmen have landed in Jap and Jap controlled territory. From that date up to May 1, 1945 only 134 Am aviators had been reported as POWs of Jap. Am authorities have no info as to welfare or whereabouts of Am aviators presumably in Jap hands. Am authorities desire Swiss Minister make vigorous representations in order learn whereabouts and welfare missing aviators.
- 3)
- Recent reports received from both Swiss and Intercross reveal that Am POWs and CIs94 in almost all camps visited are losing weight, suffering from vitamin deficiencies, and are on starvation rations. The Am auth realize that food situation in Jap and Jap controlled territories is serious. In view of repeated efforts by US Gov, however, to send relief supplies to Am in Jap hands, US Gov cannot accept Jap food shortages as justification for starving of Am. If Am POWs and CIs are a burden on Jap Gov and it cannot fulfill obligation to maintain them in health, US Gov stands ready on short notice (1) To send supplies to them, (2) To arrange for repatriation [Page 362] of POWs and CIs with guarantees not to use them against Jap, (3) To endeavor to arrange their transfer to a neutral country for the duration of the war. Any indication that Jap Gov will react favorably to any of above proposals would be met by instant action on the part of Am Gov.
- 4)
- Refusal of Jap Gov to permit further financial relief to Am in its control95 is a matter of grave concern since it removes only method by which Am auth have been able on continuing basis to provide some of food and necessities which Jap Gov has not provided in accordance with its obligations. Action of Jap Gov in preventing further transmission of financial relief to Am in its hands culminates series of Jap acts and refusals to consider relief proposals which can only lead Am people and civilized world to conclude that Jap Gov is engaged in systematic campaign to starve Am nationals in its hands.
- 5)
- Despite repeated protests by Am auth Jap Gov has not given assurances that it will move POW and CI camps away from vicinity of military objectives. Camp after camp is located near military objectives. Dept desires Gorgé inform Jap Gov that US Gov on basis of evidence in its hands feels that Jap Gov is engaged in deliberate policy of putting POWs and CIs in vicinity of military objectives and requests assurances from the Jap that steps will be taken to move camps from military areas.
- 6)
- Am auth are seriously disturbed by conditions prevailing when POWs and CIs are transferred from camp to camp. In recent months transfers from Shanghai to the north and thence to Jap have involved large numbers of Americans who during such transfers have been exposed to great hardship and to possible aerial attack.
Gorgé should endeavor as soon as possible have visits made to Hakodate camps and camps north of Tokyo to ascertain conditions under which POWs traveled and facilities available upon arrival. Similar visits should be made to CI camps when destination of Shanghai internees is determined. In meantime Dept desires Gorgé express to Jap Gov US Gov’s deep concern for welfare of its nationals being transferred from camp to camp.
If Gorgé thinks his position would be strengthened thereby he may communicate foregoing to Jap Gov with necessary deletions. Although each of foregoing matters has been subject of communications to Jap Gov, if Gorgé thinks it helpful to him US Gov will renew its representations in separate communications.