740.00115A PW/2–1045: Telegram

The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State

945. American Interests—Japan. Your telegram 4089, December 4th.17 Swiss note February 7th contains following observations of Legation Tokyo.

Numerous protests already made concerning points raised and although obtained some satisfaction, continuing protests concerning food situation in which no improvement noted. Lack of foodstuffs Japan also felt by Japanese and non-interned aliens.

Fuel also lacking but Japanese permitted heating one room Urawa and manufacture of charcoal by internees Futatabi for brasiers. Swiss insisting upon heating installation Kanagawa.

No complaints concerning lighting but impossible obtain bulbs over 20 watts.

Swiss obtained distribution clothing Kanagawa and Futatabi and promise for distribution other camps.

Small quantities soap issued irregularly but civilians receive no more.18

Swiss Legation has distributed soap.

Temporary dental work paid in principle by Japanese but internees prefer better work at own expense.

Relatives and servants again permitted present foodstuffs internees Kanagawa.

  1. Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. v, p. 1010.
  2. In telegram 3237, June 19, the Minister in Switzerland reported that Mr. Gorgé had intervened repeatedly in efforts to obtain increased soap rations, but that the Japanese authorities had refused to increase them as the internees were being treated the same as the civilian population (740.00115A PW/8–1945).