740.00119 Potsdam/6–645: Telegram
President Truman to Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Adviser to the President, at Moscow
284. The following message refers to your No. 05112081 and my No. 283.
The recommendations you make for personnel to be invited for conference in regard to the formation of a Polish Government have my full approval.
Do the best you can to obtain agreement on the points made by Churchill in his Number 72 and those made by Mikolajczyk in Schoenfeld’s message82 which you have seen and which was sent to the State Department.
Then return to Washington at any time convenient to you.
Mr. Hopkins’ message No. 051120, June 5, to President Truman read as follows:
“I have been shown by the British Ambassador the text of Churchill’s personal message No. 72 of June 4 to you. I feel it is desirable for me to have a final conference with Stalin as soon as possible and in light of the Prime Minister’s message I hope you may find it possible to send me today your final instructions.” (740.00119 Potsdam/6645)
- Apparently reference is to telegram Poles 63, June 3, 1945, midnight, from London, which transmitted the record of an interview between Mikolajczyk and Sir Orme Sargent, Superintending Under Secretary for the Northern Department of the British Foreign Office. The record of this interview with Mikolajczyk was transmitted to President Truman by Prime Minister Churchill in his message 73, June 4, p. 321.↩