Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- Reports on developments of significance concerning Soviet relations with
other countries, especially with the United States
(Documents 616–699)
- Conclusion of wartime assistance from the United States to the Soviet
Union; the agreement of October 15, 1945; consideration of a supplementary
agreement for extension of aid for postwar reconstruction and credits
(Documents 700–804)
- Efforts to arrange with the Soviet Union for the acceptance and onward
shipment of relief supplies and mail for the benefit of prisoners of war and
interned civilians in Japanese-controlled territory
(Documents 805–829)
- Arrangements relative to the treatment and reciprocal repatriation of
American and Soviet prisoners of war and interned civilians liberated by
Allied forces
(Documents 830–859)
- Interest of the United States in religious conditions in the Soviet Union;
replacement of American priest, Father Braun, in Moscow
(Documents 860–876)
- The Kravchenko case: Attempts by the Soviet Government to obtain his
deportation from the United States
(Documents 877–884)
- Dissatisfaction of the Soviet Union with United States policy toward
foreign merchant seamen deserters as applied to deserters from ships of the
Soviet Union
(Documents 885–893)
- Efforts to assist Soviet spouses of American citizens and detained
American citizens to leave the Soviet Union
(Documents 894–914)
- Consideration of the desirability of establishing consulates by the United
States and the Soviet Union in each other’s territory; difficulties
encountered by the American Consulate General at Vladivostok (Documents 915–929)