860h.00/11–1945: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

3898. Acknowledging my letter of November 6 informing Molotov of note to Tito Vyshinski replied on November 18 in translation as follows:

“As you will recall in Mr. Molotov’s reply of October 2188 the point of view of the Soviet Government was set forth on an analogous question, it being pointed out that the Soviet Government saw [no?] basis for sending to the Yugoslav Government any proposals with reference to Yugoslav matters and particularly the elections to the Parliament. The Soviet Government adheres to this point of view at the present time and does not consider it possible to permit any interference in the internal affairs of Yugoslavia.”

Sent Department 3898, repeated to London 585, Belgrade 57.

  1. See telegram 9488, October 26, to London, p. 1274.