875.01/7–1145: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Representative in Albania (Jacobs)

62. Urtels 22 May 25, 56 June 29,16 and 76 July 11. Dept has given careful consideration to Hoxha’s request that regime be permitted to send to US delegation of three or four persons on temporary visit. At [Page 46] present time, with question of recognition still pending, Dept feels that it cannot appropriately agree to entry of such a mission, whose members would be political representatives of unrecognized Albanian authorities and whose activities here would be admittedly of a political character.

We appreciate, however, cogency of reasoning in support of your recommendation that permission be granted for entry of an Albanian group. In these circumstances, Dept is willing to permit visit to US by two Albanian press representatives. They would have freedom of movement and could visit Albanian-American leaders and groups, although we should want it understood that they would not be allowed to take advantage of their presence here to engage in activities of a political or propaganda nature. Principal purpose of their trip should be to give to Albanian people first-hand picture of American scene and evidence of American interest in Albania and Balkan area.

If you perceive no objection, you should communicate informally to Hoxha substance of foregoing as an acceptable basis for any further request he may wish to make regarding subject of sending an Albanian group to US.

Sent to Tirana; repeated to Caserta.17

  1. Regarding telegram 56, see footnote 9, p. 43.
  2. As telegram 742.