740.00119 Control (Italy)/6–2345: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, at Caserta
614. Your 2734, June 23.72 Dept opposes piecemeal settlement of Italian territorial questions, which should all be dealt with in final treaty with Italy, probably to be negotiated in near future. Please keep this view before AFHQ and insist Yugos be held strictly to June 9 agreement without further concessions in derogation of the principles involved. To negotiate a settlement now would mean yielding to threat of force in this first real test of our principles encouraging other claimants of Italian territory to demand their share, and probably falling short of any fair solution contributing to the maintenance of future peace. Dept is specifically recommending that this view be upheld at forthcoming conference.
[Page 1189]We discussed subject of your 2725, June 22,73 with British today, expressing concern, requesting urgently views of Brit Govt, and asking support in Belgrade of our position that June 9 agreement must be fully respected. Your 2749 June 24,74 has since been received. Please discuss whole matter with SAC, saying we are deeply concerned that Morgan so exceeded his instructions. You should also make every effort to obtain full report on negotiations if you think all facts not yet revealed.
Repeated to Belgrade as 157.