740.00119 Control (Italy)/5–2145: Telegram

The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Patterson) to the Secretary of State

102. Following note dated today received from Foreign Office at 11 a.m.

“The Yugoslav Government agree to the establishment of Allied Military Government under the authority of the Allied Supreme Command in the Mediterranean, in the Slovene Littoral area on the basis of the demarcation line proposed by Field Marshal Alexander subject to certain minor modifications to be suggested later by the Yugoslav Government. At the same time, the Yugoslav Government in accepting in principle such a solution consider indispensable: (1) that the representatives of the Yugoslav Army should be included in the military administration of this area, (2) that units of the Yugoslav Army should remain in that area (being, of course, under [Page 1171] the command of the Supreme Allied Command in the Mediterranean), (3) that, as it has been already stated in the proposal of Field Marshal Alexander, the Allied Military Administration should act through the civil authorities which are already set up in that area.

The Yugoslav Government propose that the Governments of the United States and of Great Britain start immediate negotiations with the Yugoslav Government in order to settle all questions in this connection.”
