Chapter III: April 10–April 24, 1945

Review of Dumbarton Oaks Proposals completed by United States delegation and report submitted to the President; meeting of Committee of Jurists concluded and report submitted to the President; inter-Departmental consultations on international trusteeship resulting in a policy directive and its presentation to President Truman for approval before its submission to U.S. delegation; issuance of invitations to five inter-Governmental organizations; Premier Stalin’s decision for Mr. Molotov to head Soviet delegation; consultative meetings of Foreign Ministers of sponsoring Governments on questions of organization and admission.

[168] Memorandum of Conversation; by Mr. Leo Pasvolsky, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State

Printed from draft copy obtained from the Library of Congress, Manuscripts Division, papers of Mr. Pasvolsky.

[170] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

500.CC/4–1045: Telegram

[171] Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Truman
