Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the President 1
Personal and Top Secret for the President from Harriman.
In a talk with Molotov this afternoon I again asked for an appointment with Marshal Stalin to discuss the place of the meeting. Molotov said that this could be arranged but that he knew the position of Marshal Stalin and could tell me as the decisions unfortunately were not dependent upon the Marshal alone. Stalin had again consulted his doctors who maintained their position that he should not make a long journey at the present time. He therefore could not go to the Mediterranean. He would however gladly come to any place on the Soviet Coast of the Black Sea and if you could not come there it had been decided that Molotov as his First Deputy could go to meet you and the Prime Minister wherever you wished. I inquired whether [Page 22] full consideration has been given to your suggestion of traveling by rail. He maintained categorically that the decision was based on consideration of the length of the journey as well as the mode of travel. From my previous discussion with Stalin and this one with Molotov I am now convinced that Stalin will not go to the Mediterranean for this meeting. I said in conclusion that I knew you were most anxious to meet Marshal Stalin [and] that I would communicate with you and see him again in the next day or two with your final answer. I am seeing him tomorrow on another matter and will then discuss arrangements for the meeting in the Crimea in accordance with your . . . [telegram of December 23].2