Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, February 7, 1945, noon, Yusupov Palace


United States United Kingdom Soviet Union
Secretary Stettinius Foreign Secretary Eden Foreign Commissar Molotov
Mr. Harriman Sir Alexander Cadogan Mr. Vyshinsky
Mr. Matthews Sir Archibald Clark Kerr Mr. Maisky
Mr. Hiss Mr. Jebb Mr. Gusev
Mr. Page Mr. Dixon Mr. Novikov
Mr. Harrison Mr. Golunsky
Major Theakstone

[367] Page Minutes

Bohlen Collection

[368] Matthews Notes

Matthews Files

[369] Hiss Notes

Hiss Collection

[371] Soviet Proposal on Reparations From Germany

Hiss Collection

  1. The photograph which is reproduced as plate 6 following p. 546 shows one other person present at this meeting, in addition to those here listed; and the Hiss notes (post, p. 705) likewise show one other person present, whose name Hiss did not know.