Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, February 1, 1945, 10:30 a.m., on board H.M.S. “Sirius” in Grand Harbor


United States1 United Kingdom
Secretary Stettinius Foreign Secretary Eden
Mr. Matthews Sir Alexander Cadogan
Mr. Bohlen Mr. Butler
Mr. Hiss Mr. Dixon

[301] Agreed Minutes

Executive Secretariat Files

[302] The Acting Secretary of State (Grew) to the Secretary of State

740.011 EW/1–2745: Telegram

[304] United States Delegation Memorandum

Hiss Collection

[306] United Kingdom Delegation Memorandum

Matthews Files

  1. The agreed record of this meeting lists as present for the United States only Stettinius, Matthews, and Hiss. According to Stettinius, p. 63, however, “Matthews, the rest of my staff, and I” attended. Besides Matthews and Hiss, Stettinius’ staff consisted of Bohlen, Foote, and the secretariat, Blanchard, Conn, and Graham. On August 13, 1954, Matthews wrote: “I think Bohlen was . . . present” (640.0029/8–1354).