740.011 EW/1–2745: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State (Grew) to the Secretary of State
1. General information. Winant has been instructed to act in concert with his Soviet colleague in the EAC in approving French proposals regarding equality in connection with the handling of German matters. . . . The British still insist on the desirability of a tripartite declaration on Denmark but the Department intends instead to send a secret message to the Danish Freedom Council and Danish political leaders praising their assistance to the common cause. ... It is understood that Subasic will not leave London until the regency council appointed by the King has been recognized by Tito. The Greek situation is developing normally and it is reported that EAM has accepted the Government’s proposal regarding the composition of the peace talk delegations. . . . As a result of extreme Soviet pressure the Czechoslovak Cabinet has decided to recognize the Lublin Committee. . . . Discussion in EAC of control machinery for Austria will be resumed as soon as instructions are received by the Soviet and French representatives. The British have approved in principle French participation in the occupation of Austria. . . . Bohlen has a copy of a long memorandum from Mikolajczyk1 making proposals for the solution of Soviet-Polish difficulties.
2. Allstate. Horseshoe.
3. . . . (This is our fifth message.)2
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