J. C. S. Files

Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff

top secret

C. C. S. 765/1

Subjects for Consideration at the Next U. S.- British-U. S. S. R. Staff Conference

1. The United States Chiefs of Staff suggest that the following subjects be considered at the next U. S.-British-U. S. S. R. staff conference:

a. The War Against Germany

(1) Enemy dispositions, capabilities and intentions. (A discussion and exchange of information.)

(2) Coordination of operations in western Europe and Italy with operations in eastern Europe.

Timing and scope of offensive on the various fronts.
Establishment of effective liaison at Chiefs of Staff level and between Anglo-American-U. S. S. R. field commanders.
A determination of policy on bombline and air liaison parties if not resolved prior to a tripartite conference.

(3) Shuttle bombing and arrangements for staging and/or basing units of Fifteenth Air Force in Vienna-Budapest area.

(4) Military aspects of Zones of Occupation in Germany and Austria.

(Discussion of the necessity that the areas allotted each nation, particularly in Berlin and Vienna, contain adequate military administrative [Page 425] facilities and access by rail, road and air, with a view to recommending adoption by the Heads of State of a policy for guidance of the European Advisory Commission.)

b. War Against Japan

(1) Japanese dispositions, capabilities and intentions in the Far East.

(A discussion and exchange of information.)

(2). Russian participation in the war against Japan:

2. In this connection General Deane has been asked to present the above proposed agenda to the Chief of the Soviet General Staff requesting that he indicate any other military subjects the U. S. S. R. may consider desirable for discussion by the staff conference.

3. Aside from discussion at the conference concerning broad strategic objectives of the U. S. S. R. in the Pacific war, the Russians may wish to discuss with the U. S. staff representatives the operational details such as the supply project now under way for stockpiles in Siberia and other operational details.