The Department of State to the British Embassy
Reference is made to the memorandum of November 3, 1944, in which the British Embassy referred to the declaration made on October 20 by Mr. Enver Hoxha to the effect that Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States would be requested to recognize the “Albanian Democratic Government” recently formed at Berat and stated that the British Government does not propose, in the present confused situation in Albania, to grant such a request for recognition.
The Department of State concurs in the view of the British Government that any request for recognition of the provisional government formed at Berat which may be received at this time should not be granted. The Department feels, however, that there may be a stage in the not distant future in which it may be found expedient to consider the desirability on practical grounds of establishing with such governing authority as may be in de facto control of the country such relations as would enable this Government to open an office in Tirana for the purpose of protecting American interests there and coordinating the activities of the representatives of other American agencies who may be sent to Albania. The Department will be disposed to give sympathetic consideration to a request for de jure recognition by an Albanian Government only at such time as it may be able to demonstrate that it is non-Fascist in character, that it has established its authority over the country, that it represents the will of the people and is prepared to fulfil its international obligations.