The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 17.]
Sir: With reference to my despatches No. 13552 of November 26 and No. 13816 of December 11, 1943,83 concerning the Brazilian Government’s desire to purchase all of the surplus United States Army engineering and construction equipment in Brazil, I have the honor to transmit herewith a translation of a pertinent letter I have just received from the Foreign Minister.84
This is the letter to which allusion is made in the last paragraph of page 1 of the enclosure to my despatch No. 13552 of November 26; the Brazilian Government is herewith making a formal request for (a) all of the surplus United States Army engineering and construction equipment available in Brazil and (b) the assignment to Brazil of United States Army engineers to assist in the planning and supervision of a public works program.
I have sent a translation of the letter to General Walsh.
Respectfully yours,