861.00/12040: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
Moscow, December 17,
[Received December 18—2:40 p.m.]
[Received December 18—2:40 p.m.]
2258. A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet dated December 16 announced the postponement of elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR until December 1944 and the prolongation of the powers of the Supreme Soviet for that period.43
- These elections had been previously postponed; see telegram No. 1081, December 11, 1942, 6 p.m., from the Chargé in the Soviet Union, Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. iii, p. 483. On December 26, 1943, the announcement by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic was published which also postponed until December 1944 the elections to the provincial and local councils of the Workers Deputies in that republic.↩