Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1943, The British Commonwealth, Eastern Europe, the Far East, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1943, The British Commonwealth, Eastern Europe, the Far East, Volume III
- William M. Franklin
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- The British Commonwealth of Nations: (Documents 1–138)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–71)
- Visit of British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in Washington, March
12–30, 1943
(Documents 1–30)
- Problems relating to the Mutual Aid Program; acquisition of raw
materials as reciprocal aid from the United Kingdom, Southern Rhodesia,
and British Colonies; concern of the United States over British gold and
dollar balances
(Documents 31–61)
- Discontinuance of discussions between the United States and the United
Kingdom regarding feasibility of a more extensive trade agreement and
related discussions with British Dominions
(Documents 62–63)
- Objections by the British Government to proposed establishment by the
United States of a consulate at Bahrein (Documents 64–71)
- Agreement between the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom regarding industrial diamonds, signed at London, March 26, 1943
- Arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom approving Memorandum of Understanding signed January 6, 1943, regarding apportioning of African asbestos
- Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom governing collaboration in atomic energy research and development
- Visit of British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in Washington, March
12–30, 1943
(Documents 1–30)
- Australia: (Documents 72–77)
- Canada: (Documents 78–82)
- Understanding between the United States and Canada with respect to
jurisdiction over personnel of United States military forces in Canada
in criminal matters (Documents 78–82)
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding postwar disposition of defense installations and facilities
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding provincial and municipal taxation on United States defense projects in Canada
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding specification of areas for drilling oil wells in Canada
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding access to Alaska Highway
- Agreement between the United States and Canada on naming the proposed highway from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Fairbanks, Alaska, the “Alaska Highway”
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding lease of White Pass and Yukon Railway, effected by exchange of notes signed at Ottawa February 22 and 23, 1943
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding establishment and operation by United States Government of certain military radio broadcasting stations in northwest Canada
- Agreement between the United States and Canada continuing in effect the arrangement of November 29 and December 2, 1940, regarding air transport services
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding waiver of claims arising as a result of collisions between vessels of war
- Agreement between the United States and Canada concerning application of agreement of May 25 and 26, 1943, regarding waiver of claims arising as result of collisions between vessels of war
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding jurisdiction over prizes, effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington May 24 and August 13, 1943
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding temporary raising of level of Lake St. Francis, continuing in effect the agreement of November 10, 1941
- Understanding between the United States and Canada with respect to
jurisdiction over personnel of United States military forces in Canada
in criminal matters (Documents 78–82)
- India
- Ireland: (Documents 83–111)
- New Zealand:
- Union of South Africa: (Documents 112–138)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–71)
- Eastern Europe: (Documents 139–717)
- Finland: (Documents 139–233)
- Poland: (Documents 234–370)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: (Documents 371–717)
- Reports on developments of significance concerning Soviet relations
with other countries, especially with the United States
(Documents 371–473)
- Discussions relating to policies and problems, and missions concerned
with the prosecution of the war, between the United States and the
Soviet Union, at times with British participation
(Documents 474–581)
- The continuation of wartime assistance from the United States for the
Soviet Union
(Documents 582–649)
- Efforts to arrange with the Soviet Union for the acceptance and onward
shipment of relief supplies and mail for the benefit of prisoners of war
and interned civilians in Japanese-controlled territory (Documents 650–686)
- Difficulties with the Soviet Government over the requirement for the
registration of Agents in the United States of Foreign Principals, and
the exclusion from the mails of Soviet publications as propaganda
(Documents 687–696)
- The trial and sentencing of German war criminals and Russian
accomplices in the Soviet Union (Documents 697–707)
- The reestablishment of the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox
Church, and religious conditions in the Soviet Union
(Documents 708–717)
- Reports on developments of significance concerning Soviet relations
with other countries, especially with the United States
(Documents 371–473)
- The Far East: (Documents 718–988)
- China
- Japan: (Documents 718–968)
- Second exchange of American and Japanese nationals; interest of the
United States in a third exchange
(Documents 718–809)
- Japanese treatment of American prisoners of war and civilian
(Documents 810–897)
- Efforts by the United States to send financial and other assistance to
American nationals held by Japan
(Documents 898–939)
- Protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital
ships (Documents 940–946)
- Representations by Japan regarding the treatment of Japanese nationals
in the United States and Hawaii (Documents 947–956)
- Seizure by Japanese authorities of property owned by American
nationals in occupied China (Documents 957–968)
- Second exchange of American and Japanese nationals; interest of the
United States in a third exchange
(Documents 718–809)
- Korea: (Documents 969–975)
- Philippines: (Documents 976–984)
- Thailand: (Documents 985–988)
- Index