860D.01/151: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Finland (McClintock)
13. 1. The Finnish Minister35 called on Mr. Welles36 January 15. He referred to coming Finnish presidential elections and possible candidacies for the presidency and appointments to be made to a new Cabinet. He endeavored to elicit an expression of Mr. Welles’ personal opinion as to the candidacy of Mannerheim for the presidency and of various other prominent Finns for positions in the Cabinet Mr. Welles said he would make absolutely no comment with regard to any individuals in Finland but that he would very definitely express the hope that should a political change take place in Finland, such Government as might ensue therefrom would see clearly the advantage to it in the interests of the people of Finland of having a clear appreciation of Finland’s long-range interests, and the value to Finland of a friendly relationship with the United States which could only be predicated upon the modification by Finland of its policy of cooperation with Germany against an ally of the United States.
[Page 220]The Minister inquired whether Mr. Welles had in mind the possibility of Finland making a separate peace with the Soviet Union. Mr. Welles replied that this Government had long since made it clear that overt and effective assistance by Finland to Germany against the Soviet Union could only be regarded by the United States as seriously detrimental to the national interests of this country and that it seemed obvious to him that removal of Finland from the anomalous position in which it now finds itself, namely, one of actual subservience to Germany, would be in the best interests of the Finnish people, since Finland had nothing to expect from Germany except obliteration and could only hope to retain its independence and integrity as a useful member of the family of nations from the victory of those powers which had subscribed to the principles of the Atlantic Charter.
2. No change in press attitude here since Minister Schoenfeld’s return and he has made no public statements.