711.60D/137: Telegram

The Chargé in Finland (McClintock) to the Secretary of State

86. Colonel Woldike34 had an hour’s interview with President Ryti yesterday. Meeting was arranged by General Staff and obviously was part of present campaign to show friendliness toward this Legation. Ryti spoke almost entirely on non-political subjects, such as resettlement problems of Finnish Karelians and possibilities of what might have happened if the United States had joined League of Nations.

His most significant remark was that although “2 years ago” he had insisted vehemently on maintaining his own ideas in opposition to certain other leaders he now saw that his views were changing to accord more with theirs. This is first intimation of flexibility in this inflexible man which has come to our attention in a long while.

Ryti reiterated previously expressed General Staff statements that Marshal Mannerheim would like to meet our Military Attaché when Marshal next comes to Helsinki.

  1. Lt. Col. Aage Woldike, American Military Attaché in Finland.