851.01/3299a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Algiers (Wiley)

211. For Wilson.29 The President directs that the following message which he has sent to General Eisenhower30 should be repeated to you for your information: [Page 195]

“Please inform the French Committee as follows:

‘In view of the assistance given to the allied armies during the campaign in Africa by Boisson, Peyrouton, and Flandin, you are directed to take no action against these individuals at the present time.’

Keep the Prime Minister informed. Roosevelt”

This message which was sent following the receipt of a telegram from Prime Minister Churchill31 has also been repeated to Mr. Churchill.32

  1. Edwin C. Wilson, American Representative to the French Committee of National Liberation at Algiers.
  2. The message had been sent to Algiers for General Eisenhower as War Department telegram No. 5456, December 22.
  3. No. 513, December 21, p. 193.
  4. Telegram No. 423 from President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill, in addition to the message quoted above, expressed the hope that Mr. Churchill was in full agreement with the directive to General Eisenhower and would so inform Eisenhower and Macmillan. The final paragraph of this telegram read as follows: “It seems to me that this is the proper time effectively to eliminate the Jeanne D’Arc complex and to return to realism. I too am shocked by the high handed arrests at this time.”