The Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations (Eisenhower), to President Roosevelt 28
News of the arrest of Boisson, Peyrouton and Flandin has just reached me at Advanced Headquarters in Italy where I am visiting the front. I have also only this minute received copy of the Prime Minister’s message to the Foreign Secretary and the Resident Minister at Algiers expressing his concern at this action of the French National Committee. I am profoundly disturbed, particularly in the case of Boisson who acted for a time as my loyal subordinate. I have radioed Murphy of my conviction that if the Committee presses this affair to its probable conclusion it can only result in the most serious consequences. Smith is flying to Algiers tomorrow morning and will confer with Murphy and Macmillan.
- Copy of telegram obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y. This telegram was dispatched via War Department channels from an advanced Command Post near Tunis.↩